love always hurts …

love always hurts …

I have alot that I have never told him…he hurted me…left me alone ..cheated me..I ws lft alone..he meant alot to me. He still does..I still feel for him…and dont know y I still want him back….I leave everything fr his sake of happiness I feel guilty sometimes of what am I me and

homeschooling …

homeschooling …

So funny because it’s exact opispote here where we live. Most parents who send their kids to public schools really downgrade the parents who homeschool. We don’t homeschool but that’s because I have seen some of the kids who come out of homeschooled environments around here and I don’t want my kids to be like

life is all about you …

life is all about you …

You came into my life as a stranger, as time passes our love for each other cleaved into something very special… and, now your love is my addiction to resist in this world, your love is something a reason to live, there are so many thing in between us to intrust each other, but I

it hurts …

it hurts …

it hurts a lot when our close ones start ignoring us. we care for them but they find it frustrating.