my secret …

my secret …

I have been engd since 6 months.have been talking to my so called husband over d phone nd as we got to know each other i feel like he realy loves me a lot.i like him as a person.but dont know either i love him or not.becz onces i tred teling him about my past.nd

feeling sorry images …

feeling sorry images …

sometimes feeling sorry can’t make things alright, and all sorts of these feeling sorry images in my mind make nothing better in my life… when you were strong to say sorry but she was weak to forgive…

loneliness …

loneliness …

I feel bad of respecting him…when I knw he can nvr respect me back in return…he doesn’t even treats me well . I feel guilty and too lonely being with him. I am too alone sometimes..too lonely…bt he can nvr undrstand that… Is it bcz I love him so much…y can’t he respect my feelings.

loneliness …

loneliness …

Sometimes you have many people around you , but when actually you need them . . When u r alone you get to know that they all are fake. We get many friends around us when we are happy. .but when u alone they leave you alone. That’s life. . I have always faced this